Tuesday, November 24, 2015

No One Reads This Blog

You ever have a blog that is literally just for you. That's Ink and Sweat. This is just a blog for me to write things to myself, document my writing and working out, and to put everything down instead of trying to write it in a diary. Today I am tweeting about the office - live tweeting the office. I am also looking for book blogs to send review and promo requests to. You can see my progress and the book blogs that are out there here.

I also tweeted that I was looking for book blogs that accepted review requests, but that's not really gone anywhere.

How about what I'm reading at the moment!


I know I'm reading a lot of books at once, but I can't really help it.
I have a goal to finish these and then I have a ton on my TBR coming up. You can see reviews for all of them here - http://www.reviewsfrombeyondthebook.blogspot.com

There is no relaxing for Thanksgiving, I'm going full speed ahead with two co-writing projects, a pen name project, a new Zombie novel, and three ghost write stories. Onward and upward.

Thanks for reading if you did :)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Create Your Own Creative Zen Notebook!

As a writer you might find that the deadlines and working non-stop can be really stressful. That's why you should find ways to distract yourself or to take a break to de-stress. Color therapy is a big thing, so I made my own ZEN notebook for authors and you can too!

First find a notebook. I liked this one because it was leather. 

These amazing photos are brought to you courtesy of my DROID. 
Then I printed out some fun adult coloring pages. You can just Google Printable Adult Coloring Pages and there are a lot of free ones. 

Next I put in a TO DO notepad.

Some colored pencils.

AND the my Creative ZEN notebook was ready. So you can color your adult coloring pages and then when you have an idea, you can write it down and carry it around with you. 

Alternatives to My Method of Zen

There are several coloring apps on mobile devices and a lot of them are free. Just go to your app store and type in Adult Coloring.

If you prefer to keep your zen contained in your phone then these plus Color Notes will serve the same purpose as my Zen notebook!

If you don't want to print tiny pictures of coloring like I did then there's a whole movement of coloring and art you can Enjoy.

I found some different sources. This one is $4.95 a month and you get two issues of the coloring magazine plus the markers and pencils.

CLICK HERE to see the adult coloring goodness you can order.

SO create your own ZEN and remember to take breaks every once in awhile.


Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kindle Challenging Myself!!

Here's a special 


I have to do a much better job of reading what's on my Kindle so I'm going to work on reading a book in my Kindle from the earliest days I started hoarding them and post about it in addition to my normal TBR. This week I will be reading The Muse by Kendra Wright. 

 - What's the very first book on your Kindle, answer below!! 


Saturday, September 12, 2015

What's Going On Writing and Sweating

I've been horrible at blogging lately, sound familiar?
It's on account of the ghostwriting, homework, and writing, writing. I have two upcoming deadlines so it's been nuts. No excuses though. I have to do much better.

I ran one day this week and that's sad. I like to get in two - three along with 3 workouts that aren't running during the week.
I've eaten horribly as well.
I've either gone for the whole day forgetting to eat, or eaten a lot of chips and vegetarian nachos last night. They were delicious.
My dog had surgery and is currently wearing a cone so he hasn't been able to go walking up the mountain with me.

I am still doing Body by Vi but this week has been more eating breakfast and drinking lunch. I also got some Hydroxycut drops to put in my water which are supposed to curb hunger. I've stayed the same weight, and I'd like to lose about ten pounds by the time I go to Disney!!

First some very important goal setting!

You are seeing me meet one of the goals, with the blogging!!
I have been working on both ghostwriting and my free novella for my pen name this week. The ghostwriting is taking up so much of my time.
I need the money, but I'm working on writing more for me.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, July 17, 2015

Slacking and Slacking Some More! UGH!

Slacking has not been something that has happened in the writing and working out side of my world, it's blogging I've been slacking with. It's not okay. I need to make sure I am holding myself accountable and blogging to update the one person that reads my blog (points to myself) what I'm doing.

Okay so I got Beach Body on Demand and I'm really into it. I got it from my friend Josh so I'll give you his link. Click HERE! I have been doing Hip Hop Abs, but I can do whatever I want. There are so many streaming workouts Insanity, P90X, and so many more that make me feel like I'm really working out.

Hip Hop Abs actually hurts my abs so I know it's working somehow. The eating this week has been sporadically okay. I didn't stick to my shakes everyday for lunch. I had some other food. It's been a bad week I lost a tire and a laptop so I felt like it was okay to have a little bit of food.

My daily shake consists of
Peanut Butter
Body by Vi Powder
Chocolate Pudding Powder
Half a Banana
Almond Milk or 2%
I have it for breakfast and lunch with a snack of 5 crackers and cheese and a bag of popcorn. I pretty much eat what I want for dinner in moderation.

I plan on doing Hip Hop Abs everyday except for Sunday for 3 weeks and then talking about my results.

Ghostwriting has taken over my life....

I've been just doing it mostly. I have written a little for myself, but I have been cranking out the words for real with the ghostwriting. I've needed money so it's been nice, but I have to try to get some of my own pages done this weekend. 

Here's a video I made in case you want to know more about ghostwriting!! 

I released a new novella that's in a series with several other authors! It's called Heady Velvet mybook.to/headyvelvet

Alice Plume is a carefree spirit. She doesn't get worked up about much-- how could she when her son-n-law owns a secret sex club? 

While she's fine with the fact that her daughter lives a life surrounded by kink, she's never had any desire to venture further into the lifestyle--or even the club itself--other than catering a party or two. But then, she meets Knoll Seaton. 

Knoll is the sexy personification of the 'silver fox--a real estate mogul with a voice that makes her insides melt, and touch that makes her want to beg. He's also very much into the club lifestyle. 

Alice isn't sure that she can change her perception of sex to meet Knoll halfway...but Knoll isn't one to walk away from something he wants. And he wants Alice.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Time to Sweat! and Ink and Um..

 Welcome and Happy Thursday!


So I have been a lazy smurf and not gotten the working out I needed to get done done. My brother went home to our parent's house for a week so the running came to a halt. I know I should just go out there and run on my own, but I'm lazy I admit it!

While I've kept up the shakes and am not overall unhappy with my body, I could be a lot happier with it in a bathing suit, but of course it's too late because vacation starts tomorrow.

Writing has been going well. On top of about 4 ghostwriting jobs O.O I've been plotting out my novella for The Club, and TWO new paranormal series. One is YA and one is more adult.
I'm really excited about all of these projects and trying to find a way to work on them all together and separately.

Comment below and tell me what you are working on! Is it one project, several, or nothing. I am finding Scrivener to be VERY useful!

Also I'm on the YouTube now so if you want to check me out I post on Fridays. Tomorrow's vlog will be about Ghostwriting!

as always thank you for reading and Subscribe to my channel you know if you want to and all. Bye!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Making Some Changes for the Better

THIS is how I felt this morning. 

I did not want to get up AT ALL!

So, I know I don't always make the healthiest choices. I crave salt most of the time so if a pickle isn't nearby then I am going to eat chips. I have made some changes in my daily eating habits for what I think is the better. It definitely will cut down on my calorie and sugar intake.

The switches are;
2 % to Almond Milk for my shakes
Creamer to Fat Free/Sugar Free Creamer
More oatmeal
TRYING More water.

I joined the IdealShapeup Challenge so that I could work out everyday besides just the running. It has 20 minute workouts and they email you 6 a week so you have one to do a day. They are videos and they do the workouts real time with you. I like doing workouts real time.

I skipped Sunday night because we went to a cookout and I was back late, but the workouts are for 6 days so Sunday can be my rest day!

I so want to try this shake. 

It looks good as heck.. << I've been watching Napoleon Dynamite again.

So running today and I'm going to try to keep up with my (22 year old) brother who always outruns me. The reason it's almost time for this to happen...

Looking at the graphic gives me hives. Wish me luck on my run and with my workout. I also added this fun little 5 minute push to the end of my IdealShape workout yesterday. It's hard man, try it.



So on to the writing part. I have taken on some more ghostwriting jobs and this is good for me to stretch my creative muscle. I do have to finish my chapter for Friday for Ice Shift this week and a short horror piece for my blog on top of that and working and working out! It will be okay though because I just have to do it.

 I wrote this fun short horror story yesterday about my experience with the Charlie Charlie Challenge. Don't read if you're prone to nightmares.


 As always thanks for reading!!